Revolutionize in-person and virtual learning at your firm
The strongest professionals are the ones that never stop learning and growing. Our learning management system (LMS) is made to serve all your learning and knowledge sharing needs, allowing you to add structure to continuing education and track industry accreditation.

The perfect LMS for legal services, with endless personalization
One system for all learning and professional development
With learning and credit tracking combined, we are the only system required for a legal firm’s training and development.
Personalized learning paths and experience
Built with the highest level of flexibility, our system helps improve personalization, collaboration, and knowledge retention at each firm.
A high-performing, always-ready workforce
We help you develop a prepared and adaptable workforce that will excel in projects and client work.
What our learning management system does
Make sure your professionals learn, grow, and stay ahead of accreditation requirements
Configure our learning management system to your needs
In one system, we have the answers to all your learning needs. Do you want to structure what your employees should be learning? Would you prefer it to be self-guided, allowing them to pick courses based on their own goals, but also suggesting areas they could strengthen? No matter the learning management style, your LMS can suit it. Set up a branded internal system for all learning and training at your organization.
Give professionals a structured plan for learning and training
Every employee will have their own personal journey through your organization and industry. Create a flexible learning path structure so you can assign the right path to each person. You can structure paths for levels, such as junior, mid-level, and senior associates, or for departments, practice groups, or roles, such as litigation associates, capital markets consultants, or civil engineers. Learners track their progress on a path as they take classes, train, and develop skills.
Give each person their own portal for learning and self-improvement
Set each of your people up with a personalized homepage in your organization’s learning system. All their needs can be served in one place and it can be accessed from anywhere. They can search for courses or browse the calendar. Their page will display training bulletins and track their learning path progress. They can also see recommended courses and easily register for classes and events. There’s also access to learning resources created by their instructors and peers.
Easily launch activities, target learners & manage registration
Your system administrators can launch events with ease. Target groups of learners to suggest the class to. Easy registration encourages course adoption and learning practices. You can customize your class size limit and let users self-register. Easily manage your attendees throughout registration, waitlisting, and cancellations. Collect feedback from attendees. Create resources that learners can use and reference at any time, building a knowledge library for your firm.
Increase course sign-ups with a user-friendly course catalog
Course registration and participation is simple for your employees too, which will increase course adoption. Users can search for specific courses by criteria such as name or type (i.e., classroom, e-learning, resources) or browse the upcoming calendar. If they have industry accreditation requirements, they can search for courses that will satisfy them, such as lawyers looking for credit requirements in a specific jurisdiction. With one click, they can register and add the course to their own calendar.
Keep up with industry requirements or create your own credits
For lawyers, we have their rules for continuing education and professional development (CLE and CPD, respectively) built into a credit tracking engine. For other professionals, we have a credit engine that allows industry or organization rules to be built quickly and easily. Add in your industry or country regulations, and we’ll keep the rules updated and remind learners of their requirements and deadlines. If you want to develop your own learning requirements, create your own crediting system and establish an internal university with annual credit requirements and rewards for meeting them, such as certificates.
Analyze learning data to build a better internal education system
With our dashboard views, administrators can see all learning activities across their organizations. Analyze trends over time and filter by office, department, or individual. See how often resources are accessed to inform whether they should be updated or replaced. Create custom or pre-built reports to see learning trends, completion status of learning paths, course registration and attendance rates, and more.
Have professionals set learning goals in their annual reviews
Integrate with our performance management software to further enable your professionals’ learning and development. Set learning goals in their annual evaluations, self-assessments, personal development plans, or goal planning. Target relevant work and classes to them to help them achieve their goals. Reevaluate at the end of year and adjust to continue driving performance with learning management.
Configure our learning management system to your needs
In one system, we have the answers to all your learning needs. Do you want to structure what your employees should be learning? Would you prefer it to be self-guided, allowing them to pick courses based on their own goals, but also suggesting areas they could strengthen? No matter the learning management style, your LMS can suit it. Set up a branded internal system for all learning and training at your organization.
Give professionals a structured plan for learning and training
Every employee will have their own personal journey through your organization and industry. Create a flexible learning path structure so you can assign the right path to each person. You can structure paths for levels, such as junior, mid-level, and senior associates, or for departments, practice groups, or roles, such as litigation associates, capital markets consultants, or civil engineers. Learners track their progress on a path as they take classes, train, and develop skills.
Give each person their own portal for learning and self-improvement
Set each of your people up with a personalized homepage in your organization’s learning system. All their needs can be served in one place and it can be accessed from anywhere. They can search for courses or browse the calendar. Their page will display training bulletins and track their learning path progress. They can also see recommended courses and easily register for classes and events. There’s also access to learning resources created by their instructors and peers.
Easily launch activities, target learners & manage registration
Your system administrators can launch events with ease. Target groups of learners to suggest the class to. Easy registration encourages course adoption and learning practices. You can customize your class size limit and let users self-register. Easily manage your attendees throughout registration, waitlisting, and cancellations. Collect feedback from attendees. Create resources that learners can use and reference at any time, building a knowledge library for your firm.
Increase course sign-ups with a user-friendly course catalog
Course registration and participation is simple for your employees too, which will increase course adoption. Users can search for specific courses by criteria such as name or type (i.e., classroom, e-learning, resources) or browse the upcoming calendar. If they have industry accreditation requirements, they can search for courses that will satisfy them, such as lawyers looking for credit requirements in a specific jurisdiction. With one click, they can register and add the course to their own calendar.
Keep up with industry requirements or create your own credits
For lawyers, we have their rules for continuing education and professional development (CLE and CPD, respectively) built into a credit tracking engine. For other professionals, we have a credit engine that allows industry or organization rules to be built quickly and easily. Add in your industry or country regulations, and we’ll keep the rules updated and remind learners of their requirements and deadlines. If you want to develop your own learning requirements, create your own crediting system and establish an internal university with annual credit requirements and rewards for meeting them, such as certificates.
Analyze learning data to build a better internal education system
With our dashboard views, administrators can see all learning activities across their organizations. Analyze trends over time and filter by office, department, or individual. See how often resources are accessed to inform whether they should be updated or replaced. Create custom or pre-built reports to see learning trends, completion status of learning paths, course registration and attendance rates, and more.
Have professionals set learning goals in their annual reviews
Integrate with our performance management software to further enable your professionals’ learning and development. Set learning goals in their annual evaluations, self-assessments, personal development plans, or goal planning. Target relevant work and classes to them to help them achieve their goals. Reevaluate at the end of year and adjust to continue driving performance with learning management.
Use Cases
Knowledge sharing, team building, credit tracking — it's more than just taking classes

Enable learning for professionals and staff
Create a learning management system that is specific to your law firm. Our software will let you easily create flexible learning paths for different seniority levels, roles, practice areas, competencies, or departments.

Open up your system for client learning
Easily invite clients into your internal learning management system so they can earn credits and be taught by your firm’s professionals. Build up your firm’s brand and its relationships with its clients.

Help your professionals stay accredited
Make sure your lawyers, engineers, and other professionals are up to date with their industry credits. Our credit tracking engine comes loaded with up-to-date CLE/CPD requirements for law firms, or you can add rules to track credits in other industries.

Creating an internal university to encourage continuous learning
Build your own crediting system and set an annual credit requirement. Give people learning paths or let them pick their classes. Review progress in annual evaluations and reward professionals who fulfill requirements with certificates or recognition.

Make people feel connected with remote learning and team building events
Professionals can take courses together and attend learning and team building events from home. Having the chance to socialize, bond, and learn together will improve their team dynamics. Teamwork and social connections will transfer over to their work together on client projects.

Create a knowledge library for professionals to learn from each other
Valuable knowledge may be locked in the heads of your professionals. Harness the experience and best practices of your partners and in-house experts to create classes, resources, and other learning content. Let other professionals learn from them and up the learning game of the entire firm.